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Facilitator Agreement

This Agreement applies to all Provisionally Certified Facilitators and Certified Facilitators. PSP, Inc. (PSP) Provisionally Certified and Certified Facilitators may facilitate Core Strengths training.

Core Strengths is the training provided by PSP and its Certified Facilitators, including words, images, designs, and video segments contained therein using Core Strengths materials. Core Strengths training and all intellectual property and proprietary rights of any kind associated therewith, arising therefrom, and relating thereto, are the sole property of PSP. Nothing in this Agreement will transfer to facilitator any ownership of, or right to retain beyond the term of this Agreement, any materials provided to facilitator as part of facilitator’s certification or in connection with any Core Strengths training. Facilitator will return all such materials to PSP promptly after any termination of this agreement.

Provisionally Certified and Certified Facilitators may lead Core Strengths training within their organizations in accordance with this Agreement. A Provisionally Certified Facilitator has completed some, but not all, of the requirements for full certification and may conduct Core Strengths training within his or her organization as part of the certification process. A Certified Facilitator has successfully completed all of the certification requirements.

Provisionally Certified Facilitator

Facilitator will be considered a Core Strengths Provisionally Certified Facilitator upon completion of the following requirements:

  • Sign and return your agreement provided to you at time of certification.
  • Attend an entire Core Strengths course conducted by a Core Strengths Master Facilitator.
  • Attend a qualifying Facilitator Certification (Train-the-Trainer) event conducted by a Core Strengths Master Facilitator and complete any other activities specified by the Master Facilitator who conducted the certification event.
  • Demonstrate understanding of course content and effective presentation skills.

Certified Facilitator

  • Facilitator will be considered a Core Strengths Certified Facilitator upon completing the following requirements:
  • Complete all requirements of a Provisionally Certified Facilitator.
  • Facilitate a full Core Strengths workshop within 90 days of completing the Core Strengths Certification event.
  • Facilitate at least three full Core Strengths workshops within 12 months of completing the Core Strengths Certification event.
  • Ensure that at least 30 learners complete and submit electronic course evaluations via Learner Source within 12 months of completing the Core Strengths Certification event.

Use of Copyrighted Intellectual Property

  • Training Materials: Each Provisionally Certified or Certified Facilitator must possess an original and purchased copy of the Core Strengths Facilitator Suite, including the printed Facilitator Guide and Facilitator Presentation Software. The Facilitator Suite must be purchased from PSP.
  • Course Materials: Each person attending a Core Strengths workshop of any length using Core Strengths content must possess an original and purchased copy of the printed Core Strengths Learner Toolkit, purchased from PSP, and complete the Strength Deployment Inventory® and Portrait of Personal Strengths® through and A Core Strengths workshop consists of any presentation or course designed to teach content from Core Strengths, regardless of length, that is not an internal marketing presentation. Learner Toolkits may not be copied, duplicated, or re-used in any way.
  • Facilitator Source website: Each Provisionally or Certified Facilitator may use the Facilitator Source website ( for administration, scoring, and interpretation of the instruments contained on the website in conjunction with Core Strengths training. PSP owns or licenses the entire website, its components, each of the instruments contained thereon, and all copyrights and other rights thereto. PSP retains such title to and ownership of the website and all of its contents in its entirety. Facilitators may not yourself, nor may you assist or authorize others to reverse engineer, compile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the website or any of its content to human perceivable form; modify, adapt, rent, lease, transfer, sublicense, assign, loan, or sell the website or any of its components; or create derivative works based on any part of the system, including without limitation of the website or any of the instruments it contains or any part thereof.
  • Marketing Presentations: PSP is eager to support facilitators in marketing Core Strengths within their organizations. Please contact your Account Manager for recommendations and additional resources authorized for this type of use. Short internal overview presentations may be conducted where no Learner Toolkit purchase is required, when the following conditions are met:
  • The purpose of the presentation/overview is for internal marketing or is part of an effort to support or expand the rollout of Core Strengths within your organization.
  • The presentation/overview does not exceed 30 minutes in cumulative length whether in one session or in multiple sessions, it may not exceed a cumulative total of 30 minutes.
  • For needs outside of these parameters, please contact your Account Manager.

Any use of Core Strengths or any related materials or proprietary information outside of the parameters set forth in this Agreement will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement. All use of Core Strengths materials outside of these parameters is in violation of copyright law and may be litigated. Please contact your Account Manager for any needs that fall outside of these restrictions.

Any modifications to Core Strengths or any related materials by a facilitator must receive approval from PSP. Any such modifications will be the sole and exclusive property of PSP.

This certification and the associated facilitator materials are owned by the organization that originally sponsored the individual seeking certification and do not transfer with that individual to any other organization without the written permission of PSP. Please contact your Account Manager with regard to transferring your certification status to a new organization.

PSP Provisionally Certified Facilitators and Certified Facilitators may only facilitate Core Strengths training for employees within their organizations.

PSP Provisionally Certified Facilitators and Certified Facilitators will not encourage the use of the special “SDI for a friend opportunity” available to employees of your organization.

Failure to comply with this Agreement upon signing or any time thereafter (as determined by PSP in its sole discretion) may result in the revocation of a facilitator’s certification.

Terms of this Agreement may be amended by PSP or PSP may terminate this Agreement, for any reason or no reason, at any time by providing the Facilitator with 30 days written notice.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California.

Questions about the PSP Facilitator Agreement should be sent to or call PSP, Inc. at (760) 602-0086

By accessing the Core Strengths Presenter, I acknowledge that I understand and accept the terms of this agreement.

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